Source code for

from pyscses.defect_at_site import Defect_at_Site
import numpy as np
import math
from pyscses.constants import fundamental_charge, boltzmann_eV

[docs]class Site: """ The site class contains all the information about a given site and the defect occupying that site. This class contains functions for the calculations which correspond to each individual site, rather than the system as a whole. Args: label (str): refers to what the defect is called i.e. 'Vo' for an oxygen vacancy. x (float): x coordinate of the site. defect_energies (list): List of segregation energies for all defects present at the site. defect_species (list): List of defect species for all defects present at the site. defects (list): List of Defect_at_Site objects, containing the properties of all individual defects at the site. scaling (float): A scaling factor that can be applied in the charge calculation. valence (float): The charge of the defect present at the site (in atomic units). defects (list): List of Defect_Species objects for all defects present at the site. sites (list): List containing all x coordinates and corresponding defect segregation energies. """ def __init__( self, label, x, defect_species, defect_energies, scaling = None, valence = 0 ): assert( len( defect_species) == len( defect_energies ) ) self.label = label self.x = x self.defect_energies = defect_energies self.defect_species = defect_species self.defects = [ Defect_at_Site( d.label, d.valence, d.mole_fraction, d.mobility, e, self, d.fixed ) for d, e in zip( defect_species, defect_energies ) ] if scaling: self.scaling = scaling else: self.scaling = np.ones_like( defect_energies ) self.grid_point = None self.valence = valence # self.defects = [ Defect_Species( valence, mole_fraction ) for ( valence, mole_fraction ) in defect_data ] # self.sites = [ Data(x, energy) for ( x, energy ) in site_data ]
[docs] def defect_with_label( self, label ): """ Returns a list of defects which correspond to the given label Args: label (str): Label to identify defect species. Returns: list: List of Defect_at_Site objects for a specific defect species. """ return [ d for d in self.defects if d.label == label ][0]
[docs] def energies( self ): """ Returns a list of the segregation energies for each defect from self.defects """ return [ for d in self.defects ]
[docs] def average_local_energy( self, method = 'mean' ): """ Returns the average local segregation energy for each site based on a specified method Args: method (str): The method in which the average segregation energies will be calculated. 'mean' - Returns the sum of all values at that site divided by the number of values at that site. 'min' - Returns the minimum segregation energy value for that site (appropriate for low temperature calculations). Returns: numpy.array: Average segregation energies on the site coordinates grid. """ return self.grid_point.average_site_energy( method )
[docs] def sum_of_boltzmann_three( self, phi, temp ): """ Calculates the sum of the calculated boltzmann_three values for each defect at each site. i .. math:: \sum(x_i\exp(-\Phi_xz/kT)-1) Args: phi (float): Electrostatic potential at the site. temp (float): Temperature of calculation in Kelvin. Returns: float: The sum of Boltzmann terms. """ return sum( [ d.boltzmann_three( phi, temp ) for d in self.defects ] )
[docs] def probabilities( self, phi, temp ): """ Calculates the probability of each site being occupied. Derived from the chemical potential term for a Fermi-Dirac like distribution. Args: phi (float): Electrostatic potential at this site. temp (float): Temperature of calculation. Returns: list: Probabilities of site occupation on a 1D grid. """ probabilities = [] for defect in self.defects: if defect.fixed: probabilities.append( defect.mole_fraction ) else: probabilities.append( defect.boltzmann_two( phi, temp ) / ( 1.0 + self.sum_of_boltzmann_three( phi, temp ) ) ) return probabilities
[docs] def defect_valences( self ): """Returns an array of valences for each defect from self.defects """ return np.array( [ d.valence for d in self.defects ] )
[docs] def charge( self, phi, temp ): """ Calculates the overall charge in Coulombs at each site. Args: phi (float): Electrostatic potential at this site. temp (float): Temperature of calculation. Returns: np.array: The charge on a 1D grid. """ charge = ( self.valence + np.sum( self.probabilities( phi, temp ) * self.defect_valences() * self.scaling ) ) * fundamental_charge return charge
[docs] def probabilities_boltz( self, phi, temp ): """ Calculates the probability of each site being occupied by a given defect. Derived from the chemical potential including a Boltzmann distribution. Args: phi (float): Electrostatic potential at this site. temp (float): Temperature of calculation. Returns: list: Probabilities of site occupation on a 1D grid. """ boltzmann_probabilities = [ defect.boltzmann_two( phi, temp ) for defect in self.defects ] return boltzmann_probabilities
[docs] def charge_boltz( self, phi, temp ): """ Calculates the charge in Coulombs at each site using Boltzmann probabilities. Args: phi (float): Electrostatic potential at this site temp (float): Temperature of calculation. Returns: np.array: The charge on a 1D grid. """ charge = np.sum( self.probabilities_boltz( phi, temp ) * self.defect_valences() * self.scaling ) * fundamental_charge return charge